
When people use the word pyromania or pyromaniac, people think of it as something they heard of in a film, but it is a real mental health condition. If someone is fascinated by fire or commits arson people may assume they have pyromania, this is not necessarily the case. Arson is a crime, and pyromania is a very rare psychiatric condition that is not particularly well researched. It affects men more than women and generally starts in their late teens or early adulthood.

Pyromania is an impulse control disorder and is characterised by a pathological and uncontrollable desire to start fires, as well as a fascination with all things fire related. Impulse control or conduct disorders cause people to be aggressive towards people or their property.

They know that setting fires is both dangerous and illegal, but the act of starting a fire is the only way that they can relieve the build up of tension, anxiety or arousal that the condition causes. Generally they will set a fire about every six weeks and they will feel extreme satisfaction and release after they have done so.


To be diagnosed with the condition a person must:

· Be intensely attracted to fire and fire paraphernalia

· Derive pleasure from either seeing or setting fires

· Repeatedly and intentionally start fires

· Feel tense or excited before starting a fire and feel relieved afterwards

· Their symptoms can’t be explained by a manic episode, other conduct disorder or antisocial personality disorder

They will not be diagnosed with pyromania if their reason for starting a fire was:

· For some kind of monetary gain

· To cover up a criminal act

· Out of anger or vengeance

· When suffering from hallucinations or delusions

· For ideological reasons

· When under the influence of alcohol or drugs


As there is limited research on the condition, the cause of pyromania is unknown, but certain factors can increase your risk of developing an impulse control or conduct disorder. These can include:

· A history of physical or sexual abuse

· Having parents who suffer from addictions or have a history of breaking the law

· Having a chemical imbalance in the brain which can affect how we feel and act

· A history of mental health problems or drug and alcohol misuse

· Being neglected as a child or having learning difficulties or poor social skills

· Having a family history of psychiatric illness


People with impulse control disorders have a hard time controlling their behaviours and emotions. Whilst on occasion we can all feel like this, they will feel this way, frequently and for much longer and in different situations, and it will cause them significant problems.

Professional Help

There is no single form of medication or therapy to treat pyromania, your doctor may prescribe a combination of medications and therapy.

These can include, anti-depressants or anxiety medications including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Anti-androgens, atypical antipsychotics or antiepileptic medication.

Therapies such as CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), aversion therapy, family therapy and relaxation training.

Your doctor will ensure that your treatment is tailor made to treat your symptoms. Written by Jan, Jeana and Wendy at Barnsley Hypnosis and Counselling (UK). For more free Information click above link.

A Perfect Sales Training Coach

Even though there isn’t any formal education required to be a bigwig in sales, it is true that most of the people are involved in selling products and services. One can find several people performing sales tasks and each and every one of them are trying to complete with one another. In order to stand a class apart from others, it is important to acquire some excellent selling skills, determination and the perfect mindset. It is very important to move along with the change, as the environment keep on changing. So, it is essential to think out of the box, as it helps to stay ahead of the business rivals. So, it is essential to stay equipped with some of the effective sales tips by availing the services of a sales coach. Only those who are well trained to perform such tasks must perform the task of sales. This task should be performed by the experts in sales training. When you are in search of an expert, you must know that there are several speakers across the globe who claims to be the sales coach. However, make sure that you choose a perfect person offering useful sales tips programs to enjoy the maximum output. You must consider certain aspects while selecting the perfect sales training coach to save your money and time.

About Choosing the Right Sales Training Coach
It is important to consider the right kind of issues prevailing in your business to get the perfect solution immediately. There might be many areas in your business that require improvement. Generally, your sales managers would need you to enhance the performance of their team. So, it needs you to redefine the current sales process and the way through which it is executed. So, make sure that you hire the services of a best sales training coach who can improve the sales strategies as well as the selling skills of your workforce.

Top qualities of a sales training coach
The sales training coach whom you are choosing must have the following qualities to prove that he is a sales pro.
1 Highly experienced: The sales training coach whom you approach must be the one who has immense years of experience to handle the sales process. Observe the training coach’s path of career and check his achievements in the career timeline. Choose the person who has a lot of professional experience is the proof that this sales coach is reliable and credible.
2 Interaction with sales team: The expert sales training coach must know the secret of winning the trust of your sales team. He should have handled several sales teams in his career and must be able to interact with them in a positive fashion. This quality of a coach can help your sales build the trust on the tips for selling he teaches them.
3 Should provide intelligent coaching: The sales coach must hold intellectual sales training sessions that have activities which can kindle the sales skills of your work team. The training sessions or coaching classes that the coach conducts should be related to the specific industry of your business to improve the sales wing of your business. The sales coaching should be aimed at helping your work team members become experts in their related field.

The sales training program that the coach offers should have several components that are essential for the growth of the organization. So, it is important for you to avail the services of a sales coach like. We to give your sales team the much needed push.

4 Reasons Why It Benefits to Use SEO

The beautifully designed website with plenty of high-quality content isn’t likely to reach its intended audience if you haven’t spent time on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). A well planned approach to marketing and promoting a website is certain to help maximize your business efforts. Here are a few reasons why it benefits to use SEO:


The ability to rank a website organically in the search results can be relatively low-cost when compared to other ranking methods such as pay-per-click. Once a website reaches a top position, you have the option to rely on its natural high positive to attract plenty of consistent traffic without needing to allocate on ongoing advertising budget.

Even though the results of SEO aren’t likely to be immediate, the time invested can start to pay back rather quickly. Once the first signs of the increased traffic start to arrive, it should continue to grow at a steady rate. Providing the SEO work was done to a high standard, the site ranking should stay quite stable over the long-term.

Brand credibility

Any website that is ranked high in the organic search results gets to benefit from brand credibility. The reason for this is that most people believe the top listed sites in the search engines are reputable and trustworthy companies. But, the opposite can apply for lower ranked sites which users will be more skeptical about. Also, it further benefits to get a high listing in the search results because more and more people are using an ad blocker to stop the ads appearing.


There is a very high chance that your main competitors are involved in SEO. Most small businesses that are starting out realize that SEO has wide-ranging benefits and is very important to take advantage of it. So, if your competitors are actively ranking their website and you aren’t, they will easily get more hits and sales than you. Even if you believe you’re offering the best prices or services, the website that has the top listing is more likely to get the most attention.

Next level

With a proper SEO program in place there is every possibility that you will see a significant boost in daily visitors to your website which can take your business to the next level. This can give an opportunity to expand on the services or products offered and even to upgrade you web server requirements to take account of the higher visitor numbers and sales.

Quality Furniture

Events are synonymous with real-world marketing for businesses across industry verticals. They are being leveraged by brands small and big alike to reach out to customers and convey their messages. A growing number of firms trust events to build their base, expand their horizon and tap into the potential in the market. Quite clearly, a lot is at stake when a business decides to host an event and penetrate the market deep. Right from launching a new product or service to enhancing the goodwill of the existing resources, businesses know where to turn to in the need of hours.

With so much benefit to take, it’s natural to expect your event to be successful so that all goals are realized with ease. For that, an expert agency will be needed familiar with every aspect of event, including from planning to strategics to hosting to customer servicing. The job at hand is not that easy for the agency as well as it has to take care of a lot of aspects to ensure success for the planned event. Among other things, it has to make sure that the brand messages are conveyed in the way they should be.

Further, a good event is one that seamlessly merges the concepts of aesthetics and functionality in true sense. And this is where furniture do have a role to play as they often add a great deal of value to any occasion. Their market is stuffed with inventive, high quality event furniture which can really make a big impression on your product launch party or customer get-together occasion. Right from chairs, sofa seating, stools, benches, poseur tables, dining tables, bars and plinths, your event can benefit from a wide range of furniture and surely stand out from the crowd.

Further, event planners know how to place furniture at right places and positions to have maximum impact out of them. They add a creative approach to occasion and make guests and potential customers impressed in true sense. It’s also a cost-effective approach to not buy all of those furniture and rather hire them and add great value to the whole affair. Whether classic touch or contemporary styles, you can select what suits your interests and events the best and win maximum attention out there. After all, the purpose is to create a vibrant atmosphere and let the brand benefit in more ways than one.

In overall, furniture hire is a very helpful and innovative concept to benefit from as make the event a big success. It has the potential to enrich your business even without asking for resources to be put at used. So, your business can benefit from furniture by adding value to the event for brand building efforts. For that, you have to find a right agency with years of experience in the domain and you will also need a company that rents out furniture. This is how your event can become as successful and impact as you’d expect it to be in a real sense.

What’s So Great About Water?

It’s the ONE Element that doesn’t get the credit it deserves! Dive in for some amazing facts about this low-calorie libation…

If you count yourself among the health-conscious, you probably put in some exercise every day. Perhaps you also live on ‘health foods’, avoid smoking and never forget to brush your teeth. Top marks to you. But wait! Is there something that may be missing from your healthy routine? Do you remember to drink enough water?

Far too many of us don’t. In doing so, we unwittingly forego the wide-ranging benefits of one of the cheapest and most accessible aids to good health. Because water – just plain water – is what helps our bodies tick along smoothly, keeps our systems going and even relieves minor ailments.

Everybody knows that, without water, we’d die of thirst. But not many realize that water does much more than wet a dry mouth! That’s why we need around two to three liters (8-10 glasses) of fluid everyday. If you are currently getting by on a few sips here and there, you might wonder why such hefty amounts are needed. Here are some answers to some questions you might want to ask.

Q #1: I don’t feel very thirsty – why must I drink plenty of water?

Because water does more than quench your thirst. It works inside your body on a minute-to-minute basis. Water has a role to play in every vital function of the body.

We may be in the jet-age, but inside our body everything still works on “water-transport”! Vital supplies of food, oxygen and infection-fighting cells flow around the body through the blood, which is 83% water. Digesting food and absorbing it needs some water too, because digestive juices work better in a semi-fluid environment. Even breathing in and out needs moisture. In fact, it is possible to use up the equivalent of two glassfuls of water a day, just exhaling!

Again, many of the body ‘s waste products can be thrown out only if they are well-dissolved in water (as sweat and urine). If there is insufficient water to carry out this function, the body may retain toxins and end up being poisoned by its own waste products! Sounds far-fetched? Small proofs of this are not difficult to find. Forget to drink enough water and you may soon be suffering from constipation!

Water, when it leaves the body as sweat, is what keeps our body temperature constant even on the hottest summer day. Our body operates on delicate chemistry and it is water that maintains the internal balance. When every bodily process is using up water, imagine how vital it is to replace used-up fluids. A stray glassful can hardly do the job!

Q #2: Can’t we depend on our body to demand enough water, according to its needs?

By and large, YES. Thirst is the body’s signal that the system is “running dry”. But natural signals would be wholly dependable only if we led a wholly natural life! The farm labourer drinks water by the jugful, because he works up a powerful thirst that is hard to ignore. The average city worker, on the other hand, ends up drinking far too little water, often less than he should. The reasons are many: Sedentary work, especially in an air-conditioned room, produces only a mild thirst that is easily ignored. Fear of water-borne diseases prevents city-dwellers from drinking water away from home. People are equally finicky about using public toilets. So they play it safe by drinking as little water as possible!

And then there are umpteen myths about the “ill-effects” of drinking water. Here are some that we’ve heard – do you believe in any of them? Frequent drinking of water causes a sore throat… Cold water makes people fat… Water interferes with digestion… Drinking water aggravates a case of vomiting and diarrhoea… People with coughs and colds should avoid drinking water… Drinking water before exercise gives you cramps in the stomach…

These beliefs have no scientific basis and some of them can prove downright dangerous, say doctors. With so many misconceptions floating around, it is not surprising that the thirst signal often goes unanswered, or only nominally satisfied. A few sips of water will take the edge off your thirst, but that little amount cannot meet your needs.

Q #3: What happens if you don’t drink enough water?

If you drink sufficient water occasionally, your body adjusts: it secretes less urine and otherwise manages to function normally. But those who habitually drink too little water may develop problems. Healthy kidneys keep the body’s water at a safe level, but operating with insufficient fluid puts them under a strain. When You drink insufficient water, that fluid is used up for vital functions, leaving little for other processes. For example, hydration of the skin or digestion may be hampered, resulting in problems like dry-looking skin or constipation.

A certain amount of water should pass through the kidneys every day, otherwise bacteria which should be flushed out of the kidneys, bladder and urethra will lodge there. This give rise to urinary tract infections, with symptoms of burning while urinating, backache and so on.

Certain common drugs (including painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs) leave behind a residue in the kidneys, which must be washed out with plenty of water so that it does not accumulate and damage kidney tissue.

Insufficient water can also cause kidney stones in those predisposed to them. Regularly drinking plenty of water actually helps prevent kidney stones and infections. Provided the water is clean, of course.

In athletes and sportsperson, low fluid intake can contribute to muscle fatigue and poor performance. A lot of water is lost when you play and exercise. Interestingly enough, strenuous exercise temporarily depress your thirst, when in fact you should be replacing all that lost fluid!

So what it boils down to is simply this: While our body can ‘get by’ on insufficient water, it does no good to push it too hard!

Q #4: We consume so many other fluids… don’t they count?

Yes, they do. All the tea, coffee, juices, soups, milk, etc. that we drink do contribute to our fluid intake. And that’s precisely how most of us get by without actually drinking the large amounts of water we need. We derive some water even from solid food, especially fruits and vegetables. For example, Green beans are 89% water and lettuce 95% water! Incidentally even the adult human body holds 35 to 50 liters of water.

Q #5: Of other fluids do count, why is it important to drink plain water?

Water is not entirely replaceable, and has its own advantages. Unlike soft drinks, which are often used to quench thirst, plain water has no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. (You don’t have to worry about BVO (Brominated Vegetable Oil), for instance!). Unlike, coffee or tea, it has no caffeine and no sugar to damage your teeth. And, compared to alcoholic drinks… well, water is guaranteed not to make a monster out of you! Before or after sport or exercise, water is the best drink to have. Very sweet drinks, which are considered energy-giving can draw out water from your muscles into the intestinal tract (instead of it being the other way round), causing internal dehydration which can result in cramps during exercise. Even for non-athletes, plain water is the best thirst-quencher. Why make your body handle all those extra substances when water serves the purpose?

Of course, when little solid food is being consumed (as during illness), other beverages are preferable because they can provide nutrition as well as fluid. But if you’re in normal health, drink as much as you like – it’s zero-fat and calorie-free!

Q #6: How much water does one need?

Needs vary, depending on your size, diet, activity and the climate you live in. In the hot climate, much water is lost through perspiration. And even more is lost by a person who has fever (due to faster breathing, sweating) and also by a person with vomiting and diarrhoea. A 60-kg, moderately active man would need about 10 glasses of fluid a day, ideally much of it water. Slightly more or less is okay. The colour of urine is good indicator – dark-coloured urine suggests that you may need more water. While this casual check is good enough for most, there are also categories of people for whom it is vital to consume plenty of water. This group includes those who have chronic chest congestion – smokers with emphysema, for instance, would benefit from keeping their system well-hydrated.

On the other hand, there are those who may be asked by their doctor not to drink too much water. A person with renal failure, congestive heart failure and some cases of liver failure may not be permitted to overload their system with water. This is either because the kidneys are not eliminating water efficiently or because the heart is not strong enough to pump too much fluid.

Q #7: Water and overweight… is there a connection?

It has become fashionable (among a certain set) to say, “I look fat only because I retain water.” If the body retains excess water instead of eliminating it through the kidneys (as do some women due to hormonal ups and downs), the person may feel slightly bloated and the scales may even show a slight gain in weight. But usually this is small and temporary. Water retention is not responsible for actual fat. So, trying to achieve weight loss via water loss is not desirable, not safe and not permanent An obese person may quickly lose one or two kilos of “water weight” by profusely sweating in a steam-bath or through violent exercise. Or diuretic drugs may step up kidney function and cause a rapid loss of water. Such drastic attempts might be useful only to jockeys and wrestlers who must show a certain weight at the time of weighting-in. But as a method of weight-control, they are worse than useless. The little weight lost by such methods come back as soon as you take in fluids. Athlete or not, trying to dehydrate the body is dangerous. To control water retention and its effects, it is better to cut down salt intake rather than water intake.

Important Facts:

  • The human body can go 5 weeks without food.
  • The human body can go without water for 5 days.
  • The kidneys use 5 glasses of water daily.
  • The human body loses 10 glasses of water daily.


Some Facts About Pike Cavair As a Source of Health

In this article, we will talk about the benefits of pike caviar and its effect on health. Pike caviar is a product that is rich in protein, vitamins and has a lot of useful properties. This product can be useful to athletes, to people who are experiencing high physical and mental stress.

Speaking about the price, it is interesting that in the old days pike caviar was expensive, only the rich could buy it, so it was considered a royal delicacy. You can buy caviar in a jar, already cooked. But it is easy to prepare it at home.

To prepare it at home, this product from a chilled or fresh pike you need to clean from unnecessary films, put in a colander, rinse with boiling water. You need to add salt and mix. Put in a jar and cover with a layer of vegetable oil. Then you must store the caviar in the cold. This product is useful for those who have lowered hemoglobin. From it you can make excellent sandwiches and snacks.

This caviar is the pike’s eggs that have high biological value. Its taste and nutritional qualities make it possible to refer it to a better kind of caviar. The value of this caviar is the same as red and black, thanks to its useful properties and taste. It has a balanced composition, so it is used to solve many health problems. It contains protein, vitamin A, E, B 9, fatty acids, amino acids and macro-elements easily digestible by the human body: potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iodine. The use of pike caviar positively affects the condition of the skin, thanks to the presence of protein in it. This product is also effective in reducing immunity, which helps to avoid catarrhal diseases. Thanks to regular consumption of pike caviar, it is possible to normalize blood pressure and increase the hemoglobin content in the blood. It is the source of iodine, which helps keep the thyroid healthy.

Vitamin D, contained in this product, takes part in the development of bones. To prevent rickets, it is recommended that this product has to be eaten by children from the age of three. Such caviar is used to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and in the presence of cardiovascular diseases. Eating pike caviar, which is rich in iron, improves blood composition and strengthens the body with reduced hemoglobin. Fluoride, which is part of this product, has a strengthening effect on the enamel of the teeth and prevents the appearance of dental diseases. Pike caviar is also an additional source of minerals such as copper, chromium, calcium. Specialists recommend it to people who have high mental and physical stress, as well as those who are in the stage of recovery from severe operations, diseases and injuries. It is known that eating it, you can increase visual acuity. This product is an effective remedy for protecting the nervous system and relieving the effects of stress. Using it, you can restore sexual dysfunction, since it is an aphrodisiac.

This product can’t be used by children under three years of age and by people who have an individual intolerance. At an early age, it can cause allergies. Do not forget that caviar can be substandard, so the choice of pike caviar should be approached carefully. Caviar can be harmful to pregnant women, as it contributes to the retention of excess fluid in the body. Contraindication for the consumption of it may be an exacerbation of any chronic disease. Eating large amounts of this product can cause hypertension.

A Guide to Tuning Your Car

Electronic tuning of diesel engines has been known for almost a decade. Before that there are limited scopes to enhance the performance tuning. With the introduction of electronic engine management, this has changed. It was possible for tuners now to build on the excess air that the diesel ingests through the air filters to squirt more fuel that what is normally done. After this, around late 1990s, computer controlled engines were manufactured that gave tuners much greater scope to improve engine efficiency.

Why Tune your Car?

For enthusiastic drivers, it is quite attractive to extract extra performance from their vehicles. Diesel tuning aims to improve the engine efficiency and enhance normal driving conditions by around ten to fifteen per cent. With the cost of fuel going up with each passing day, there is a more need of making your car economical by boosting its performance and with improved engine torque.

Things to Remember before you Tune

There is a number of cheap tuning software available online. But, not all of them are good and your car might not be ready for a remap. Here are some of the important points to consider before you have your diesel tuned –

  • Before you think about tuning, always check the health of your car. Check its engine, tyres, suspension and more. In case you have any engine problems, ensure that you get it sorted before you think about tuning.
  • Always research about tuning so that you know exactly what you will be getting as many of these processes are irreversible.
  • It is best to talk to tuning companies and judge them based on their answers. Compare their offers and then check their websites for customer feedback so that you can be sure that you are picking the right one.
  • You should eliminate any service provider making questionable claims and also those that appear unreliable.
  • It is best to look for service providers that provide great after-sales service.
  • Also, look for providers that offer insurance as it will help you in case anything goes wrong during the tuning process.
  • It is important to see your tuner face to face by taking your car to them and you can ask them appropriate questions regarding the performance of your car.

Which Type of Tuning is the Best?

Diesel electronic tuning involves the modification of the electronic instructions that is sent to the different engine components. Chipping and tuning software rewrites changes the software written to the ECU using carefully developed modified programs that changes the engine management instructions. You can also opt for plug and play packages that intercept the standard ECU signals by placing a small box of electronics between the ECU and the key engine components. The effectiveness of these will vary depending on the cost and the kind of software that is being used.

Estafa Vs B.P.22 – What Is the Difference?

We’re pretty sure there’s a point in time that you became party to a transaction, either as payee or payer. Of course as payee, receiving cash is much preferred as you are sure that your payment was given to you in full sans any further action needed from your end. Now as payer, issuing a check is so much more convenient, especially for substantial transactions, as you would not have to worry about bringing cash and making sure that all your expenses are accounted and debited for, up to the last centavo.

It’s great if all transactions went smoothly without any hitch. However, with both parties making and receiving payment all in good faith. But what if you were conned by someone you had the mistake of trusting? Or what if you issued a check as a show of good faith to close out on a deal but at the time of issuance, the account has insufficient funds and you made a mental note to replenish the account as soon as you got paid. Alas, you then notice that your check bounced.

The above instances had surged over the years and has caused an unfortunate chain reaction which prompted the filing of either or both the following cases: Estafa and Violation of Batas Pambasa (BP) 22 or the Bouncing Checks Law.

Estafa Through Issuance of Unfunded Checks
The crime of Estafa is punished under the Revised Penal Code. One can be held guilty for Estafa by means of issuing a bouncing check with the use of false pretenses or fraudulent acts executed prior to or simultaneously with the commission of the fraud:
“By postdating a check, or issuing a check in payment of an obligation when the offender had no funds in the bank, or his funds deposited therein were not sufficient to cover the amount of the check. (Article 315(2)(d) of the Revised Penal Code as amended by R.A. 4885)”

How can a person be held guilty for Estafa?

Under the RPC, the following elements are necessary to hold a person guilty of Estafa:

  1. Postdating or issuance of a check in payment of an obligation contracted at the time the check was issued
  2. Insufficiency of funds to cover the check, and
  3. Damage to the payee thereof.

The most important element here is the damage caused. Absent any of the following elements, a person cannot be held liable for Estafa.

Case in point:

Andres owns and operates a trading good business and bought merchandise from Bonifacio and issued an unfunded check in consideration of the goods received.

In this scenario, Andres can be held liable for Estafa because he issued a check knowing it to be without sufficient funds to pay the items he bought from Bonifacio. The issuance of the bounced check here was with fraudulent intent.

Bouncing Checks Law (BP 22)
Unlike Estafa which has its basis under the RPC, BP 22 is enacted through a special law. A person can be charged for violation of BP 22 when he commits the following acts:

  1. Making or drawing and issuing any check to apply on account or for value, knowing at the time of issue that he does not have sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank for the payment of such check in full upon its presentment, which check is subsequently dishonored by the drawee bank for insufficiency of funds or credit or would have been dishonored for the same reason had not the drawer, without any valid reason, ordered the bank to stop payment;
  2. Having sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank when he makes or draws and issues a check, shall fail to keep sufficient funds or to maintain a credit to cover the full amount of the check if presented within a period of ninety (90) days from the date appearing thereon, for which reason it is dishonored by the drawee bank.

How can a person be held guilty for Violation of BP 22?

Violation of BP 22 can be filed against any person when the following are present:

  1. Making, drawing and issuance of any check to apply for account or for value;
  2. Knowledge of the maker, drawer, or issuer that at the time of issue he does not have sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank for the payment of such check in full upon its presentment; and
  3. Subsequent dishonor of the check by the drawee bank for insufficiency of funds or credit or dishonor for the same reason had not the drawer, without any valid cause, ordered the bank to stop payment.

Same with Estafa, the presence of all these requirements is important. Otherwise, the charge of BP 22 will not attach. Note that knowledge of insufficiency of funds is presumed when it is proved that the issuer received a notice of dishonor and that within 5 days from receipt thereof, he failed to pay the amount of the check or make arrangement for its payment. Additionally, in BP 22, good faith is immaterial. Meaning, the mere issuance of an unfunded check already consummates the crime.

Using the same example above, Andres can also be charged for Violation of BP 22, other than Estafa, because BP 22 cases also cover issuances of bouncing checks for value received.

Where does the disparity lie?

It is Estafa when, among others, you issue an unfunded check with fraudulent intent in consideration of something of value you received. Here intent is material and good faith may be used as a defense.

It is a case for Violation of BP 22 when you issue an unfunded check whether or not it is for an obligation you contracted prior to the issuance of the check or not. Simply put, you are liable for BP 22 whether you issue a check for a present or a past obligation.

Ayers Rock in The Kata Tjuta National Park – The Long Climb and an Even Longer Descent

I admit that sometimes I act without thinking too much about the consequences. This caused me already several problems in my life.

As you know I spent already a few days in Uluru. One morning, after considering the pros and cons I decided to climb the Rock.

I suggest that you seriously think about it before doing it.

Ayers Rock is massive, majestic. It commands respect. It’s 348 metres high; like a 95 story building. The track to the top is more or less 1.6 km long. It’s perilous and treacherous. If you are in top physical conditions it will take more or less 3 hours to complete the “expedition”. The first part has got a chain. You can hang on to it and this will help you immensely. It is a tiresome climb and you need to be prepared. If you do not feel 100% you should give up and be happy with your decision: people died here.

About 34 people lost their lives, mainly because of heart attacks. A few people got hurt.

Do not forget the heat.

Another hazardous factor is caused by the wind.

I got there early in the morning. I did not want to accomplish my mission in the middle of the day because of the rising temperatures. I had a pair of good trainers, and a bottle of water and a wind-breaker in my little backpack, just in case.There were not too many people around.

I looked at the sky. It was blue, not too windy either. I started climbing. It was not as easy as I thought. I used the chain all the time trying not to look down.

Sometimes I had to stop to catch my breath.

I remembered clearly that I had to avoid grabbing something in case it fell. It could be fatal.

The ascent is hard, steep and, at times, scary. I used also my hands to climb when the help of the chain was not available anymore. Sometimes I stopped to look around. In the distance I could see the Olgas or Kata Tjua, which means literally ‘many heads’ in Aboriginal.

It is a group of large, domed rock formations not too far from The Rock.

I was nearly there. I could see some little pools of waters all around. Obviously it had rained recently. I noticed a few clouds in the sky. The temperature dropped a little bit.

I finally reached the top. The scenery was amazing. Awesome! I walked around, there was a huge distance of red soil all around me. I could see the round shape of planet earth. I had the feeling that I was alone in the world. It was a very intense. The immensity and the loneliness of the environment made my heart sink.

I spent half an hour on the top. It was time to descend. There were very few people around me. The weather suddenly changed. The sky was grey and it became colder.

I thought: “I hope that it is not going to rain because in this case I could be in trouble.”

I started to move downwards. It was not too difficult but sometimes I had to sit and go down like that… on my bum…

I managed to reach the chain, finally. At that stage it started to rain. The rock underneath my feet became slippery. I got scared. I had good trainers but not good enough with such a weather. I looked down. Fear: that was what I experienced. It kept on raining. Now my feet could no longer hold on to the ground. I stopped. I looked down again. There very few people.

I saw a man waiving at me. He started to climb. He must have noticed that I was facing some difficulties. After a while he reached me. Yes, he saw that I was having serious problems. He told me that he belongs to a rescue group in his hometown, he was just on holiday at the moment and he came up to help me. Lucky!

He had very good climbing and tracking boots. He was very strong and very tall. He was behind me. He told me to put my feet in front of his, because he could hold on to the ground without slipping.

We both hold on to the chain. Being robust my weight did not create him problems.

At that time it was seriously raining. What a tragedy to be there by myself I thought…

I do not remember how long it took us to reach the ground underneath us, but finally we got there. I was very happy that it was all over… He told me that I should have considered the ascent seriously before starting the climb, that I should have been more careful.

I learned a lesson I am afraid… and I was very lucky… I was very grateful to him.

There is another reason why people should not go up Ayers Rock and not only because it is dangerous. Uluro is a sacred site and the Aboriginal owners ask to respect their law and not to climb it.

The climbing route is a sacred path of spiritual significance that is only taken by few Aboriginal men on special occasions. At that time I was not aware of it. I should have been more informed and more respectful.

Does the Age You Get Married Impact Divorce Rates?

There are many factors in a marriage that can cause or contribute to a divorce. The truth is, the causes for divorces in the United States, like relationships, are very complicated. Even though the divorce rate in America has dropped, in large part due to the Millennial Generation, there are numerous reasons why married couples do not make it until death do they part – one of which is the age they got married.

All Marriages Require Hard Work

Unfortunately marriages do not last based solely on personal chemistry or physical attraction. When you choose to get married, you are vowing to love your partner for better or worse. No one gets married expecting to divorce. However, studies have shown that variables such as age, income, employment status, and education have significant impacts on U.S. marriages.

How Age, Income, and Education Affect Divorce

According to The Institute for Family Studies the ideal age to get married is in your late twenties, but why? When you decide to get married at an older age, your odds of divorce decline because at this stage in your life you usually have a higher education, a more stable job and are more established financially. With a higher level of education, your potential to earn more money is greater. Couples who experience more tension in their marriage from things such as a lack of money and maturity, frequently find themselves turning what were just thoughts of divorce into a reality.

The Divorce Rate Is Dropping Thanks to Millennials

Younger Americans are waiting much longer to get married. The national median marriage age as of 2011 for a woman’s first marriage was 27 years old, and for men was 29 years old; the highest median marriage age in decades for men and the highest ever for women. In 2005 the national median marriage age for a woman’s first marriage was 25 and for men was 27.

Many young folks have decided not to get married at all and choose instead other arrangements. It is much more common now, and many consider it more convenient, to move in with his or her partner without having to worry about the social pressures from society to get married first. With the average divorce happening about 12 years in to the marriage, we will have to wait and see if this recent generation of newlyweds will continue to keep their vows.